News & Events

Addressing Deforestation in Pakistan: The Role of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

The Pink Hall at BUITEMS buzzed with enthusiasm as academia, industry experts, and stakeholders convened to address the pressing issue of deforestation in Pakistan, particularly focusing on preserving the forests of Balochistan. The event, organized in collaboration with the project "DePWiSeN" and the International Center for Refugees and Migration Studies (ICRMS), aimed to foster knowledge sharing and collaborative efforts in combating deforestation. With a recitation of the Holy Quran and an inspiring quote on the healing power of forestation, the event commenced, setting the tone for an insightful and impactful discussion.

Welcome Note and Project Overview: Prof. Dr. Mumraiz Khan Kasi provided a comprehensive overview of the "DePWiSeN" project, emphasizing the importance of collective action in preserving Baluchistan's forests through the deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).

Implications for Critical Thinking and Career Development: Dr. Masood ur Rehman elucidated the importance of critical thinking in career development, particularly in the context of environmental conservation. He highlighted how critical thinking aided the progress of the project, showcasing its relevance in brainstorming and designing new initiatives.

Path Towards a Sustainable Future in Telecom and Sensing: Prof. Dr. Qammar H. Abbasi delved into the role of telecommunications and sensing technologies in fostering sustainability, shedding light on ongoing research efforts in the field.

Sustainable Learning and Academic Success Strategies: Dr. Kamran Ali shared insights on sustainable learning practices and the role of academia in addressing climate change challenges. He emphasized the significance of time management and student engagement in academic success.

Keynote Address: Prof. Dr. Khalid Hafeez, Vice Chancellor of BUITEMS, delivered a keynote address underscoring the importance of digital transformation and knowledge management in combating deforestation, drawing from his extensive experience in the field.

Vote of Thanks: Prof. Dr. Mumraiz Khan Kasi expressed gratitude to the attendees and contributors, acknowledging their support and commitment to environmental conservation.

Following the formal program, attendees engaged in networking opportunities and informal discussions during a refreshing break. They were then invited to visit the project lab for a demonstration led by Mr. Syed Ahmed Shah and Mr. Mohib Ullah (RA), showcasing the practical application of WSN technology in forest monitoring and conservation efforts.

The event served as a platform for meaningful dialogue and collaboration in addressing deforestation challenges in Pakistan. Through the innovative use of Wireless Sensor Networks and collective action, stakeholders are poised to make significant strides toward preserving the nation's invaluable forests for future generations.